
Sports and Youth Welfare


Office Contact No:- 07392245006

EMAIL ID: -dsojhabua12@gmail[dot]com

Address : Sports And Youth Welfare (multipurpose Sports Complex Behind Collector Office )

Success Story/ Achievement :-

  1. Our Archery Feeder Center player Mr. Jayanti Jamara selected in the BORDER SECURITY FORCE with First Position.
  2. Archery co-training centers Jhabua’s players received 27 medals in the state level competition which included 14 gold, 07 silver, 06 brooch. Received gold medal pyayers is rahul bariya 03 gold medal, kailash meda 04 gold medal, tejas gupta 04 gold medal, hindul meda 03 gold medal.
  3. 14 players of Archery co-training center Jabua participated in the 64 national level competition, in which 02 players kumara himakshi viyas and kumara nandani bangar received gold medal in the National School Competition.
  4. Innovative scheme to make play compulsory with education in government schools started in “Rambhano Chalo” district. In which 3375 trainers were given Basic Training of Play which made efforts to make play compulsory in schools. When the information of the scheme was received by the Principal Secretary, School Education Department, he saw the presentation of the scheme and instructed the State Education Center to initiate this scheme in all the schools of the state in the coming year.

Running Schemes (In Brief):-

  1. Incentives to Players/Associations and Institutes .
  2. CM CUP Tournament.
  3. Archery Feeder Center.
  4. Summer Sports Training Camp.
  5. Sports Equipment for Mini Sports Training.